Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bal Masque 2012 at the Appalachian Brewing Company

Alright, finally back in business and working on a new post! It feels like I've been down and out for far too long. I had a small recess between getting well and then getting sick again though where I got to attend the Bal Masque! This event is hosted by the Harrisburg Art Association and they have a small site dedicated to it here: http://www.artassocofhbg.com/bal2012.htm. Since I haven't worked on much while being sick, I thought it might be a good idea to talk about this awesome event instead.

I had worked on a few masks in anticipation of this event, and it's that funny that when it came down to it, I went for simple and comfortable versus intricate. In the future, I'm going to have to make sure that I take into consideration how good a mask feels when you wear it as well as if it's going to stab other people in the eye when you walk by! All things I had not considered prior to this masquerade.

Our masks - grainy pic, but the only one I have!

My husband wore the Bird Splicer Mask and I wore a last minute bit I made to match my dress. I wanted to wear the Labyrinth mask, but I was worried about knocking the horns on someone or something and possibly breaking it. The place ended up being a lot more open than I had expected though and I could have pulled it off!

The other mistake I made was in the rush to get ready, I completely forgot about the camera and we ended up using my mother in laws iphone to take all of our pictures. Most of them came out quite horribly though because it was dark and some were kind of grainy as well. So I borrowed some pictures for the sake of this post not looking like an ashtray.

Two birds getting photo bombed!

Anyway! My husband and I were originally going to go as Splicers from Bioshock. He played the part well and I got the retro part down of my costume, but I wasn't able to have a finished mask in time for us both to be splicers after some technical difficulties with my Owl Mask. All was fine though and the event was a lot of fun!


They had good food, a bar, dancing, music, a silent auction, and even palm readings which I didn't see while I was there or I probably would have gotten one! A lot of the events we didn't know about until they actually happened, like the costume contest which was a blast. I met a lot of really great people there as well who had some amazing costumes and masks! It gave me so much new inspiration to work with!

A pair of stinkers! These guys were so cute.

If you're local I would definitely recommend giving this a try next year! I haven't been to anything like it and it was truly enjoyable. I'll have to make sure I get my costume and mask ready with ample time to spare for this coming year! I'll leave you with some more pictures of the event because there were so many good ones, I wasn't able to fit them all here.

Thanks for Reading and Happy Creating!

His mask was really amazing up close.
Awesome costume!

Pimp and "Friend" LOL
Loved these two costumes and accessories!

 Some Photos taken from: T. Tran and the AHH

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